Telephone: +44 (0)1424 774177
Mobile: +44 (0)7811 326729
Emergency: +44 (0)7811 326729
(24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please only use out of hours in an emergency)
Louisa Fennell
Managing Director
10 Orchard Way
Sedlescombe, East Sussex, TN33 ORD
Accommodation is available in single, or twin bedrooms throughout our families. Multi-person rooms if adequate space, but very unusual. Unless you have requested and paid for single occupancy or booked a 1:1 course, you will probably be sharing your room with a student of another nationality.
We only place students together in the same room who are of the same sex and roughly the same age, unless booked together and requested to share.Students of the same nationality are not placed together unless requested and arranged through the office.
We have taken care to choose a home where we think you will be happy and learn well. Living in an English home is the highlight of many students’ stay in England, and lasting friendships are often made with host families and other guests. However, you should be prepared to adapt, as it will be different from living in your own home. Please remember that your home is not a hotel, but a way to experience life with an English family, take lessons and use your English every day.
There is, of course, no typical homestay. The home may be a flat or a house, and your hosts may be young, middle-aged or retired, with or without children. Their attitudes may be anything from ‘modern’ to ‘old fashioned’, and their interests anything from art to football. But they will be kind and friendly, and will want to show you the best of England. You will get to know them better during your stay.
In modern England, couples are not always married, and both partners often work, or there may only be one host. It is becoming more normal for the whole family to help with household chores (e.g. doing the washing up). Although you are not expected to clean the house it is polite to help with little things such as setting the table for dinner or clearing away the dishes. You may feel that this helps you to feel like you are part of the family. If the family has a pet you may be surprised to find that they are treated as important members of the family. The British are famous for their love of animals!
On the first day please give your host family your mobile phone number, and take theirs. If you are ever going to be late or plans have changed, PLEASE LET YOUR FAMILY KNOW.
The family home may be different from your own but it will be safe and clean. Towels and bed linen will be provided. Your room will be cleaned and your towels and bed linen will be changed regularly. Your host will clean your room but you should keep it tidy and make your own bed. Your host will do light laundry if you ask but is not required to iron your clothes, be aware that for stays of one week it is not always possible. It is a good idea to have your clothes properly labelled with your name to avoid any confusion.
Please be careful with ink etc. If you damage something, tell your host family immediately and offer to pay for the damage. Never dye your hair or paint your nails without checking first if your host has any objections. Please adhere to your hosts rules.
Please do not keep food in your room. This is unhygienic. Please ask your host family if you can use their fridge, or their cupboards in the kitchen. Bathrooms can be busy in the morning and evening, so please be considerate about the amount of time you take, and check when other people will be using the bathroom, never shower after 20:00 unless your host gives permission, most have children to get to bed and be up for school in the morning. You should provide your own toothpaste and toothbrush, shampoo, soap etc. Be aware of your family’s routine and keep noise levels down after the appropriate time.
You will be given breakfast, lunch and dinner, these will be taken together with the family most of the time, but it is not always possible as school, work and activities can get in the way. British food is quite simple compared to most other cuisines. Please try everything, but if you do not like something, then let your family know and they will change it if they can.
If you have any allergies, please make sure they are on your details and tell your host. English people usually eat around 5 or 6 pm, and you may find that not all the family is present. Please ask when your dinner will be ready, and be home in time. Always let the family know if you will be late or will not be home for dinner.
Your family may make drinks between meals, or tell you to help yourself. However, don’t expect this, and always ask if you would like to use the kitchen or take something to eat. Please do not just help yourself.
If you do use the kitchen, please leave it clean and tidy. Some families may ask you not to use the kitchen late at night.
Please be considerate to other people in the house; close doors quietly and don’t play music or your tablet too loud, headphones are a good idea, especially late at night. Please talk on the telephone quietly with thought for others and if you like to use the loud speaker do this in your room and not late at night.
Under 18s must have permission to go out on their own, this will be on your details for your host family to read. This is not negotiable, so please do not be late. Please do not ask your host family if you can come in any later than your agreed time. Please ask your host for a map of the area.
If you have to catch a bus, please ensure that you get an early enough bus to ensure that you are home at the right time. Most hosts will not allow smoking indoors. Some hosts smoke outside themselves, or in only one room. Please respect the request of your host and smoke outside if this is what they have asked you to do and ask where to put your cigarette out.
You will be welcome to spend evenings at home, and conversations with your host are a very important part of your stay. They will be interested to know about you and your country and you will have plenty of opportunity to chat with them, particularly during their evening meal. But don’t forget, they are not teachers outside of lesson time and the family must be able to relax in their own home, so if they are watching TV, be sensitive about asking too many questions in the middle of their favourite programme! This also applies to the children in the family, they will be very pleased to spend time with you but need their own space at times, they are not employed by Eltive to entertain visitors. Just as you need privacy at times, they will need theirs – please respect this. You may want to spend time or study in your room but try not to isolate yourself too much.
These are generally local excursions involving sightseeing, sport, educational or just fun. These will not totally be tailored to individual interests but every family will try their best to accommodate each student. Travel, entrance and training fees are included in the course fees. Please do not assume the family will take you to London if it is not on your booked course, as this is a big day out, it must be booked in advance or arranged by contacting the office.
If specific activities have been booked the family are contracted to make travel arrangements and book sessions. Travel, entrance and training fees are included in the course fee.
We hope your English home immersion experience will be very happy, but if you have a problem, please contact the office.
Please do not use your homestay family’s phone or computer without asking permission first, as with any piece of equipment in the house, please don’t assume you can play with the children’s toys, please ask, this goes the other way, the children of the family must also ask you if you have brought gadgets with you. Respect each other’s property.
If you need to see a doctor or dentist ask your host family or call the office 0044424774177 (if it is urgent call the emergency number 00447811326729) At the doctor’s surgery, you must say that you are a temporary resident and the receptionist will give you a form to complete. If you have a problem with the form, ask for help.
Emergencies only Call 999 or go the A&E department of the nearest hospital. In all cases let your host family know.
First aid There is a first aid box in every host family home, this will be pointed out to you on your arrival.
Medication Students who have any medication should bring this with them in correctly labelled packaging, which clearly states doses and times of administration, the office should know about all medication needed and this will be on your form for the host to see, please show all medication to your host on arrival.
You could bring a lockable suitcase with you, and keep your valuables and money locked away in your suitcase or if you are worried about leaving anything let your host look after it. You should take care of your possessions at all times. Never leave valuables unattended; do not carry large amounts of cash with you. You will not need to carry your passport around with you either so it is a good idea to leave it in your locked suitcase or with your host.
Personal belongings are left in host families homes at your own risk even if you ask them to mind them for you. Eltive cannot be held responsible for the loss of any money or personal possessions during your stay.
Through you stay you will meet up with others of the same nationality as yourself, during activities or just in passing, please try to speak English for your sake and politeness to others around you, but it is nice to break out and have a good 2 minute conversation in your own language, some find it settling, but please keep it short.
Any unclaimed lost property will be kept for 1 month, then given to charity.
Your host will take you through the fire procedure on your arrival.
Students are expected to follow Eltive rules concerning curfew times, attendance at lessons and activities, and behaviour both in and out of the lessons. Any students breaking these rules may be asked to leave the course with no refund of fees and any unavoidable travel costs will be charged to the students.
Eltive student rules and regulations
Students are subject to the course rules. In particular, they are expected to attend all meals, lessons and arranged activities and excursions.
Students are responsible for keeping their rooms tidy and for making their own beds.
Students must follow the rules of the homestay family, which include having dinner with them, or contacting them if they are going to be late, or there is a problem.
All damage to host family property, equipment and rooms will be charged to the student.
Students must not hit or be rude to teachers, teacher’s family members or other students. This rule is important in lessons and during activities.
Students must respect all other students in the house and where they are from. (Cultural differences)
Consumption of alcohol by students under the age of eighteen is not permitted. (Note: it is against the law in Britain for persons under the age of eighteen to purchase alcohol, it is also against the law for a person above the age of 18 to purchase alcohol for a person under the age of 18).
Drug taking or possession of drugs or suspicion of drug taking or possession of drugs of any kind will result in instant dismissal.
Knives of any kind are strictly forbidden. If a student is found with a knife on their person, they will be instantly dismissed. Please do not bring pocket knives or Swiss Army knives to England.
From time to time, photographs or videos may be taken of the students enjoying the course. Eltive reserves the right, unless we are advised to the contrary by the parent/guardian in writing, to use these photographs or video clips as part of future promotional material.
Students and the parent/guardian are asked to complete a course evaluation form at the end of the course. Eltive reserves the right, unless we are advised to the contrary by the parent/guardian in writing, to use any comments in future promotional material.
Students must not discuss payment terms with their host, please call the Eltive office for all queries.
Students that choose to break any of the rules may be asked to leave the school and the course immediately and at their own expense.
Before leaving home please check you have:
A valid passport, tickets (visa if required)
Given Eltive your mobile phone number.
This handbook which has Eltive contact details on the front page.
On arrival day
You may have reserved an Eltive transfer from the airport. If this is the case, please follow the instructions below:
Go through ‘Passport Control’ and collect your luggage from the ‘Baggage Hall’
Turn on your mobile phone.
Go through ‘Customs’ to the ‘Arrivals Hall’ where our representative will be waiting at the barrier with an Eltive sign.
Introduce yourself to the staff member and follow his/her instructions.
If you cannot see our representative after 20 minutes… -
Go straight to the ‘Information Desk’ and ask ‘Please can you ask the representative meeting you (give your name) to come to the Information Desk’
Wait at the Information Desk
In an emergency, please ask the Information Desk to telephone Eltive on 07811326729
NB Our representative will be there to meet you. This information is only included in the case of an unforeseen emergency.
On course departure day
You may have reserved an Eltive transfer to the airport. If this is the case, please follow the instructions below:
Over 18s, an Eltive car will arrive at your homestay house at the pre agreed time to take you to the airport. The driver will drop you at the correct terminal.
Under 18s, an Eltive chaperone will arrive at your homestay at a pre agreed time to take you to the airport, he/she will accompany you to the check in desk, help you check in and escort you to departures.
Unaccompanied minor, an Eltive chaperone will arrive at your homestay at a pre agreed time to take you to the airport, he/she will accompany you to the check in desk where an airline host will take over.
If there is a long delay or cancellation of the flight after this hand over the unaccompanied minor will be returned to the chaperone and the office contacted. There is an extra charge for UM airport transfers.
All teachers work differently but on your first day your host will advise you on the approximate schedule for the week, please note that any activities and times may be changed at the discretion of Eltive. You will be notified of these changes prior commencement.
We hope you are looking forward to improving your English. The lessons are a very important part of your course programme and we want everyone to benefit from studying with us. 1 hour lesson means 60 minutes and will be taught in sessions of up to 4 hours.
The maximum class size for the friendship course is 4 unless agreed in advance for bigger groups of students. The maximum class size for 1:1 course is 1 unless 2 students are coming together in which case the maximum class size will be 2.
Your English tuition includes a mixture of classroom lessons, fieldwork activities and course/project. The emphasis throughout is on developing and extending your communication skills and on improving your grammar and vocabulary. Your teacher will use a variety of methods to help you learn.
Fieldwork gives you an opportunity to practise your English language skills in real life situations.
Your class teacher may ask you to write a course diary. The course diary offers you the chance to demonstrate your creative flair. You may decide to write about your activities and excursions or to produce a single project. Alternatively, you may be involved in a class project to produce a magazine or video.
At the end of the course you will have a file of work to take home.
In return we would like you to:
Speak English
Mix with and get to know other students
Join in all classroom activities
Be prepared to try activities you may not have done before
Tell your teacher if you have any problems
Interact and join in with your homestay family
Work hard and enjoy yourself!
All students will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of their course.
If you have any kind of problem about your course or level, please speak first to your teacher or if you would prefer, directly to the office. You are encouraged to speak to your teacher or the office if you have a concern or are unhappy with any aspect of your course, accommodation or stay with Eltive.
​Most students require a valid passport to come to the UK, but nationals of EU countries who intend to stay in the UK for 6 months or less may use their national identity card. Students coming from certain countries will need a visa or entry certificate; check with your travel agent or with the British Consulate, Embassy or High Commission in your own country to find out what is required.
Please note: We strongly advise that students take out medical and travel insurance cover prior to the date of travel. Your insurance policy should cover the following areas:
Medical & associated expenses
Personal accident
Baggage, clothes & personal effects
Loss of money
Travel delay
You will need pocket money for any souvenirs you wish to buy. All entrance fees are included in the activities booked but if you would like to do anything not stated, these things will be at your expense, for example, a trip to the beach and game of mini golf may be the activity but there are fairground type attractions nearby, these you will have to pay for, but there is no need to bring much money.
Casual clothes for everyday wear
Warm sweaters
Something to wear at a BBQ
Waterproof walking shoes/boots (some families have dogs)
A warm coat/jacket (preferably waterproof)
A tracksuit
Sportswear and sports shoes
An alarm clock
Electrical chargers and UK adaptors for any electrical equipment (eg. mobile phones)
We advise students not to bring laptop computers with them as Eltive is not responsible for any theft or damage. All host family homes are equipped with computer facilities. Laptops and tablets etc are also not a good idea as it interferes with interaction between others in the house, if gadgets are brought the host has permission to limit their use.
The use of Skype will also be limited, with family members occasionally is acceptable but to friends at home is not good as consistent immersion in the English language is what is going to lead to the greatest improvement.
There will be many aspects of British behaviour which seem very strange to your culture. For example the English in particular have a reputation for being reserved. This means that they are quite quiet in their public behaviour and like to keep their emotions private. For example English people say please and thank you a lot, please understand this and you will get a much better reception from the moment you step foot in England. Unfortunately, this can result in judging outsiders by our own standards which in turn can cause prejudice and stereotyping. Keeping an open mind is essential to benefiting from your time here.
If you have any kind of problem about your course or level, please speak first to your teacher or if you would prefer, directly to the office. You are encouraged to speak to your teacher or the office if you have a concern or are unhappy with any aspect of your course, accommodation or stay with Eltive.
You may have difficulty in understanding spoken English no matter what level of proficiency you have achieved in your country. You will be listening to and speaking in English all the time and this will certainly make you feel tired. Misunderstandings and mistakes are easily made when you are tired and others are speaking too fast. Do not feel frustrated or depressed if you cannot contribute to conversations as you can in your own language. Using a second language throughout the day takes a great deal of effort and may sometimes seem too intense an experience. You will feel quite tired for the first few days, these feelings are perfectly normal and things will improve as you get used to the situation.
Eltive works extremely hard to match students with the best host families, and it is rare for a student to be unhappy with their placement. That is why it is so important to fill out the Application Form thoroughly. However, if you are unhappy at your host family, we will look for another family for you if they have a valid reason.
Valid reasons include:
Pet allergies
Food intolerances that cannot be accommodated by the host family
Lack of adequate space and facilities, as set out in the handbook.
Cleanliness of house.
Disagreement with the host family – however, if there is a small problem, we will try to sort it out between you and the family first
Reasons NOT for changing host families include:
Feeling homesick
To be closer to friends
Don’t like other students in the house
Don’t like the food
Too far from beach/town etc
The host family members are too old or too young
Because the family aren’t communicating enough – this is often an issue that is resolved within the first couple of days, and just needs time for everyone to get used to each other. Please be patient with this.
Please be aware, that during the months of July and August, the area is packed full of students and it is extremely difficult to find a spare bed. So please be patient.
​All students are expected to arrive on time, complete all homework assignments and participate fully in classroom activities. Mobile phones should be switched off during classes as it is NOT acceptable to receive calls during class or to leave the room to answer a call, due to the disruption caused to the teacher and other students. The school reserves the right to expel any student in cases of repeated or severe misconduct, criminal offence or very poor attendance. NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN and the immigration authorities will be informed if appropriate.
Except where responsibility is imposed by law, Eltive will not be liable for any loss or injury sustained by students whether within the host families home or elsewhere. The school is not responsible for making your insurance arrangements. Students are expected to insure against course cancellation as tuition or accommodation fees are not refunded once a course has started.
Eltive is committed to developing a working and learning environment in which bullying and harassment are known to be unacceptable and are not tolerated at any level. We seek to ensure that each individual can work and study effectively in comfort and dignity. Eltive will provide any teacher or student who suffers bullying or harassment with an appropriate form of redress and seeks to guarantee that complainants will not encounter any form of reprisal or victimisation as a result of their complaint.
No one staying at an Eltive host family home should have to put up with harassment on the grounds of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation or religion and any complaint will be thoroughly investigated and prompt corrective active taken.
A student may be expelled at any time, without refund, if Eltive is satisfied that the student’s conduct (whether in or out of the host family home) has been prejudicial to good order or to the reputation of Eltive. Eltive will act fairly and in accordance with the procedures of natural justice and will not expel a student other than in grave circumstances. No payment will not be returned in the case of expulsion. The decision to request removal of a student and the manner and form of any announcement shall be at the sole discretion of Eltive. A student who has been excluded, suspended or removed from the host family home for any reason shall not be readmitted without written permission from Eltive.
In the event of expulsion or of a student’s removal being required, Eltive will advise the student/parents of the procedure under which a written application for a review of the decision may be made. A student who has been withdrawn, excluded, suspended, removed or expelled from the host family home has no right to enter the host family home without the written permission of the host.
We want your stay with Eltive to be enjoyable and productive. If you are not happy with any aspect of the service we offer, please firstly talk with your host if you are still unhappy contact the office on 00441424774177. All complaints and problems are treated in confidence, in accordance with our complaints procedure.
Conditions and procedures of expulsion from Eltive host family’s homes of Students
A student may be expelled from their course, WITHOUT REFUND, at any time due to continued bad behaviour. Bad behaviour is described in the list of rules below.
All students must abide by the following rules:
You must come to your lessons every day on time.
If you cannot come to school because you are ill, you must talk with your host.
You must not hit or be rude to teachers, leaders or other students.
You must respect all other students and children in the house and where they are from.
You must listen to your teacher and leader and follow their instructions at all times.
You must follow the rules of your host, which include having dinner with them at the same time or contacting them if there is a problem.
You must not break things or try to destroy any property in or out of your host family home.
If you break, lose or damage anything you must pay for it to be replaced.
Mobile phones must be turned off during lessons and on activities.
It is against the law to smoke in England when you are under 18 years old.
It is against the law to drink alcohol in England when you are under 18 years of age.
Knives of any kind are strictly forbidden. If a student is found with a knife on their person, they will be instantly dismissed. Please do not bring pocket knives or Swiss Army knives to Britain.
You must return to your host family in the evening no later than your allowed time unless otherwise agreed with your parents/guardian or leader. This must be confirmed in writing.
You must behave well at all times, and not be a nuisance to people who live in the area.
When you break any of these rules punishments will be given.
When your behaviour is a problem you will be stopped from doing social activities, whilst the rest of your group are enjoying themselves.
If you continue to cause problems you will be visited by your host’s local organiser for an interview and you will be put on a daily report.
If your behaviour continues to be unacceptable we will also talk to your parents about your continued bad behaviour.
Finally if you do not change your behaviour we will take steps to remove you from the course and send you home to your country, at your own expense.
A 25% non-refundable deposit will be required at the time of the course booking/enrolment. The final 75% of the payment must be received, in full, 8 weeks before the arrival date. If full payment is not received within the stated time the booking will become subject to cancellation. Cancellations between 28 – 42 days of the course commencement date will incur a cost of 50% of the booking fee. Cancellations between 15 – 28 days of the course commencement date will incur a cost of 75% of the booking fee. Cancellations up to and including 14 days before the course commencement date will not be entitled to any refunds. No refunds are paid in the event of a student arriving late or leaving early.
ELTIVE does not provide insurance against accident, theft, and loss of personal belonging. ELTIVE highly recommends students to take out their own Personal Insurance. Neither ELTIVE teachers/hosts accept responsibility for any injury or damage to person or property of participant during their stay.
All ELTIVE students are advised to obtain a European Health Insurance Card if they are coming from an EU country. ELTIVE reserves the right to ask a student to leave if there is any form of misbehaviour or criminal action. In the event of a programme which has been arranged in advance, but due to unforeseen circumstances, has to be cancelled, students will be offered the best possible alternatives. Students must report any problems/concerns to ELTIVE during their stay as issues cannot be rectified retrospectively. Arrival/departure transfer requests must be received no later than 1 week before the student’s arrival.
Eltive also offer students and parents a range of guardianship services, for overseas students when studying at UK boarding schools across East Sussex, Kent and Surrey.
Our Eltive Safe Hands website provides families with details about our services and can be found by following the link below. If you have any questions about our guardianship services please get in touch with us today, we will be pleased to talk to you.